Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Minutes - March 20th

Minutes- March 20th.

20th. March 2008, Fulford Hall, 3-5.30pm.

Core Group Members present: Margaret Day, John Moore, John Rowlandson (chair), Ron Bain, Peter Lamb ( Trustee), Martyn Day as alternate for Larry Woods.

Community Reference Group Members present: Stan Shapiro, Ralph Pred, Vera Robinson, Ted Bowland

Regrets: Alan Goldin, Larry Woods, David O’Flynn, Johan Gerritsen

All decisions taken by consensus.

Maps displayed by Ron Bain.

1. Adoption of Agenda

2. Adoption of minutes of March 13th. Meeting

3. New Business

Stanley Shapiro and Ron Bain each outlined their positions and concerns re: the short and long term process issues facing the group, as detailed in an exchange of e-mails circulated by the chair to all Study Group. Members.

Trustee Lamb was asked for his advice/ direction as to how the group could most effectively meet its TOR.

In response Trustee Lamb advised the following:

1. That the Study Group should report to the Trust by the April 3rd.deadline on those items in the current draft OCP which they could support, and on those which would need further study; otherwise the recommendations of the Focus Group still under consideration would be accepted.

2. That trustees would not endorse any change that the Study Group could not support. Trust staff have similarly been instructed not to make decisions that affect Fulford until the Study Group reports to the Trust.

3. The Study Group should also identify any objections/concerns re: the existing 1998 OCP by the April 3rd. deadline...

John Moore advised that from the review of the Focus Group recommendations by the Study Group to date there appeared to be general agreement with many of the Focus Group recommendations.

4. Service Environment Framing Questions

John Moore agreed to update and finalize the .synthesis document of the previous week on the built environment questions and include the submissions of Margaret Day and Ron Bain.

Group members to submit responses and.Margaret Day to finalize the synthesis document based on discussion and Service Environment Questions  as posted on the blog for this weeks meeting.

5. Focus Group recommendations/ OCP objectives/policies related to the Service Environment

The Trust has clarified the position of the existing boundaries and this information has been added to the overlay of the maps by Ron Bain. Within these boundaries, under current zoning, a build out from  98   to 142   residences was possible.

John Moore brought up the issue that only 30%of the residents of Reginald Hill were full time. An increase in this percentage would affect the use of Morningside which continues to show signs of subsidence. This was of general concern to the whole group

With the inclusion of Abbeyfield it would appear that the capacity / state of the existing water supply would be at its maximum. John Rowlandson speaking for the Fulford Water District said that there would have to be a substantial improvement in the infra-structure and source to accommodate the existing build out potential.

It was noted that the section of the Fulford-Ganges road within the village is treated as a major highway and is a major safety concern. Ideas put forward included: village be “pedestrianised” up to the junction with Beaver Point Rd., appropriate signage for motorists exiting the ferry terminal, speed bumps, 30km. speed zone, etc...

Trustee Lamb said that the group should be talking to the Transport Commission and Gary Holman about the traffic problems.

Ted Bowland from the floor said that the village seemed afraid of development when, in fact, shaped and directed development could be used to solve infra-structure problems.

Several issues not having come up for discussion it was agreed that the same format as the previous week would be adopted with everyone submitting their response to the questions as framed on the Blog  for the Service Environment

6. Other Business

An “Open House” will be held (Fulford Flea Market, March 29th. Fulford Hall) with the objective of bringing ‘Greater Fulford’ up to date with how the Study Group is attempting to deal with its task and to seek their involvement/vision. Emphasis would be on getting their input.

Meeting adjourned 5.30pm.

Minutes submitted by Martyn Day acting as alternate for recording secretary Larry Woods

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