Friday, April 11, 2008

Draft Minutes - 10 April



10 April 2008, Fulford Hall, 3-5 pm

Core Group Members Present: Margaret Day, John Rowlandson (chair), Ron Bain, Ralph Pred (for John Moore), Larry Woods (secretary)

Community Reference Group Members Present: Stan Shapiro,  Martyn Day, David O'Flynn

Community Members Present: Peter Lamb & George Ehring (Trustees)

Regrets: John Moore

[NB: All decisions taken by consensus.]

  1. Adoption of Agenda as presented.
  2. Adoption of Minutes of 3 April meeting.
  3. Chair’s Report: The Chair welcomed the Trustees and invited Margaret to speak to draft interim report prepared by the Writing committee. 
  4. Discussion of Interim Report:  Margaret recommended the acceptance of the interim report.  It was noted that the draft does not include many and varied appendices.  A lengthy discussion of the section dealing with the recommendation for the establishment of an ongoing Fulford Advisory Committee.  While the intent of this recommendation is important, the group agreed to revise this section after the Trustees reminded us of the ongoing nature of the Fulford Study Group in its terms of reference.  A checklist of appendices was reviewed, as were the mechanics of distribution for the report and appendices in advance of the Trust community meetings in Fulford on Monday, 14 April.  The Chair thanked the Writing Team for their efforts and indicated that he will introduce the report at both sessions.  Margaret introduced input gather from Fulford School children this very morning and indicated her hope that these would be posted on our blog.  Stan referred to a summary handout he has prepared and will revise.  It was noted that we must thank all those who have given us their input.  The Chair acknowledged the efforts on the Focus Group now that we had walked in their shoes and noted the difference between our group and theirs may be our ability to advocate on behalf of our report because of its roots in the community.  The need to place an article in the Driftwood was stressed.  
  5. Other Business:

a)     The Chair noted the need for succession planning as we move into the next phase.  Leadership and participation will need to be addressed on an ongoing basis.

b)    The Chair thanked all group members for their participation and input and the Trustees expressed their thanks to the Chair and group members for the quality of the interim report and for reporting on time given the tight reporting timeline the group was set.

  1. Adjourned 4:45 pm.    LW 

Minutes - 3 April



3 April 2008, Fulford Hall, 3-6 pm


Core Group Members Present: Margaret Day, John Rowlandson (chair), Ron Bain, Larry Woods (secretary), Ralph Pred (for John Moore)

Community Reference Group Members Present: Stan Shapiro, Vera Robinson, Johan Gerritsen, Martyn Day

Regrets: John Moore

 [NB: All decisions taken by consensus.]

  1. Adoption of agenda, as amended.
  2. Adoption of Minutes of 27 March meeting.
  3. Chair’s Report:  After thanking everyone for their participation in the Open House display during the Fulford Flea Market on Saturday, Ron’s summary of the Open House was introduced.  The responses to the display were gratifying and the effort was appreciated by the community.  Forty-five responses were received on the day.  Perhaps we could add disclaimer indicating that Ron’s summary does not contain all views expressed by group members.  The document could be appended to our final report.  
  4. Review of Focus Group Recommendations & Final Report:

A lengthy discussion revealed a lack of consensus in support of the Focus Group recommendations pertaining to ferry-related issues.  Given the time expended on  this discussion, the Chair expressed his sense that our final report is emerging and that a writing team should be able to complete it.  This group could identify issues to be addressed in long-term.  We could use the review sheet the Chair prepared for the discussion of the Focus Group recommendations to help organize the text of our report and appendices.  It was proposed that Margaret, Ron and Stan be the core of this group.  An introductory “coda” could address those aspects of our purpose we want to stress.  Can the “preserve and protect” approach to the natural environment be applied to the service environment?   We can present divergent positions in our document.  Stan’s draft already includes a list of Focus Group recommendations acceptable to our group.  Our document will need to go out before the public process begins in Fulford on 14 April.  Ralph will attend the writing team in Larry’s stead, as possible.  The first meeting will be 2:00 pm Friday, 4 April at the home of Margaret and Martyn Day.  We will also reserve our regular meeting room for 3-5 pm next Thursday to review the final report.

  1. Other Business:

a)     There was discussion of the Hornby Island local committee structure.

b)    The connection between amenity transfer and density transfer was explored.  The question will be referred to the Trust.

  1. Adjourned 6:00 pm.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Agenda - 10 April

OAP Room - 3:00 to 5:00 pm

1. Agenda/Minutes
2. Interim Report
3. Discussion
4. Other Business
5. Adjournment

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Agenda - 3 April (Responding to Trustees)

OAP Room - Fulford Hall
1500 to 1700 hrs 

    1. Adoption of Agenda/Minutes
    2. Report on Open House
    3. Next Steps
    4. Adjournment

    Minutes - 27 March



    27 March 2008, Fulford Hall, 3-6 pm

    Core Group Members Present: Margaret Day, John Rowlandson (chair), Ron Bain, Larry Woods (secretary), Peter Lamb (Trustee)

    Community Reference Group Members Present: Stan Shapiro, Ralph Pred, Vera Robinson

    Community Members Present:  Nel Bushby, Robert Kojima (Islands Trust staff), Gerry Hamlyn (Islands Trust staff)

    Regrets: Alan Goldin, John Moore

    [NB: All decisions taken by consensus.]

    1. Adoption of agenda, as amended.
    2. Adoption of Minutes of 20 March meeting recorded by Martyn Day, noting suggested changes from Peter Lamb.
    3. Chair’s Report:  Peter Lamb has observed that we should create a budget for any future activities in order for said budget to be approved by the Trust beforehand.
    4. Ron Bain spoke to panels of display for upcoming Open House.
    5. Margaret spoke to responses to Service Environment questionnaire circulated to group members.
    6. Robert Kojima spoke to today’s local Trust committee meeting which dealt with the density transfer issue, assessment of amenity values, agricultural polices, and climate change matters as part of revision of draft of OCP.   The local Trust committee meets on 3 April (the same day as our report is due), meaning the next opportunity for our report to be considered by local Trust committee meeting will be 7 May.  We should get our report to them as soon as possible.
    7. Vision: Group members spoke to their visions of the village twenty years on and Trust staff offered guidance.  Some group members said we must guard against loss of history and reason for being.  The social side of Fulford must not be lost.  Language of OCP is not language of Fulford.  We must be respectful of nature and neighbours.  Some prefer to grow slowly.  It was observed that there is an assumption that Fulford as presently constructed has the capacity to receive densities, but we lack receiving capacity.  We must clear up problems in resource and infrastructure gaps.  Then receiving issues can be looked at differently.   Are we really thinking about developing a local area plan?  Do we want to say we wish to preserve and protect the village?  We do not need to assume development.  Do we want it to stay as is?  Do we want to recommend removing Fulford as a receiving area?  What about development outside development permit area?  Can we duplicate the process in Ganges with respect to heritage conservation areas?  It is possible, but would require us to deal with boundary issue.   Some are skeptical about heritage designation.
    8. Consideration of OCP Vol.1 items dealing with Fulford [sections refer to items in OCP (adopted June 10, 1998; consolidated May, 2007)]:

    B.   Use reference to “Fulford Village” throughout.

    B. Duplicate for Fulford re: heritage designation

    B.  Reinforce water supply as contingency for development

    B.  Distance re: parking should be softened in some way

    B.  Fulford Village should not be designated as a receiving area for densities until criteria for achieving needed capacity are met.   We should build out before allowing additional densities and encourage development within existing zoning allowances.

    1. Open House and Drafting of Final Report: We reviewed the display for the open house.  What should we offer people on the day?  We will ask them for their visions of Fulford and have a book they can write in. We considered having an extra meeting to confirm positions on Focus Group and OCP recommendations.  Our report will not be completed by 3 April. 
    2. Adjourned 6 pm.

